Information for Parents

Cadets from around the south island parading at TS Godley

Information for Parents

Cost of Membership

While cadet units receive a small amount of funding from the New Zealand Government, this does not cover the majority of the day-to-day cost of running the unit and our activities.

We therefore rely on fundraising and on annual donations from each cadet, recommended at $35 per term.

Donations cover the cost of providing a uniform, the general running of the unit and most activities. Some activities, such as camps, will have additional costs at the time.

There is also an additional one off cost of $100 fee for uniform. Cadets provide their own footwear and need to have appropraite gear for water-based activities. All safety equipment is provided. 

Enrollment Process

Enrolling your son or daughter as a cadet at TS Godley is a simple process.

Trial Period

So your son or daughter can decide whether the Sea Cadet Corps is right for them, the process begins with a four week trial period where they can come along without commitment. This is a trial training and introductory period during which they be a New Entry Cadet.

Enrollment Forms

After the four week trial period, if your child wishes to join the Ship’s Company, you will need to fill out some enrolment forms which will be provided to you.

Once you and your child agrees to the Terms and Condition of Membership, they can begin their general training as an Ordinary Cadet.

Parental Commitment

As a parent of a cadet you will have certain commitments to the organisation. These are similar to the commitments you would have to any community organisation your child might join.

You will be expected to:

Unit Support Committee

Each Sea Cadet Corps unit has a Unit Branch Support Committee which is a branch of the National Support organisation, the Sea Cadet Association of New Zealand (SCANZ). This is the community part of the partnership with the government through the New Zealand Defence Force.

Unit Branch Support Committees are comprised of interested parents, ex-cadets, members of the local community and anyone else who has the interest of NZ Cadet Forces at heart.

Your Unit Branch Support Committee is responsible for:

Unit Branch Support Committees meet whenever there is a requirement to make decisions and plans on providing support for the unit, usually once a month. Meetings follow the normal meeting format and are generally relaxed. Everyone is encouraged to contribute their knowledge and expertise.

Members of the committee are not required to attend weekly parade nights, their role is to provide the support which is not provided by NZ Cadet Forces or the unit officers.

The TS Godley branch of SCANZ meets at 7.00pm on the second Tuesday of every month, at 419 Montreal Street Recruitment Centre. Parents and caregivers are encouraged to actively participate in the committee. Current office holders are:


Your child's safety has top priority.

All NZCF commissioned officers undergo formal training in risk management as part of their Commissioning course, this includes NZQA risk management and outdoor leader unit standards.

Sea Cadet Officers undergo Marine Activity Supervisors courses which contribute to their Yachting New Zealand Club instructor certificate. They are also required to qualify on the NZ Coast Guard Day Skippers and Boat Master qualifications.

Before they are permitted to take groups on formed tracks in the bush all officers have to qualify on the Mountain Safety Council Outdoor Leaders course. This course also incorporates relevant NZQA unit standards as well as First Aid training.

All officers are required to qualify on NZCF/NZDF conducted firearms safety, range safety and shooting coaching courses before they are allowed to conduct any form of firearms safety training. All cadets complete the same firearms safety course, taught by their unit officers, before they are allowed to handle and shoot with NZCF firearms.

Regular Officer up-date training weekends are conducted to ensure officers remain current with their skills and knowledge.

However, no activity can be completely risk free. Cadet Forces officers are trained to recognise and minimise risk to a point where it does not impact negatively on your child's learning experiences. Some of the ways that we ensure your cadet’s safety on activities include:

If you ever have any concerns - please come talk with us.